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The training workshops concerning the fight against cybercrime

The training workshops on combating cybercrime to the detriment of the European Union financial interests was held in Zakopane on September 16-20, as part of the project of the Regional Police Headquarters in Lublin "Methodology of detecting and fighting crimes detrimental to the financial interests of the European Union” co-financed from the Hercule III program.

  participants during the presentation

Computers and the Internet, and thus cybercrime, are now commonplace. There is no area of ​​life or activity, including criminal activity, that would not interact with the digital world and the Internet. In addition, the fight against cybercrime is hindered by its cross-border nature. Therefore, the Regional Police Headquarters in Lublin took the initiative to organize international and interinstitutional workshops with the participation of representatives of institutions involved in combating cybercrime, including crime to the detriment of the European Union financial interests. The training was attended by 50 people: representatives of the General Directorate of National Police in Bulgaria, National Police of Ukraine, Police and Border Guard Board in Estonia, Department for fighting Cybercrime of the National Police Headquarters, Departments for fighting Cybercrime of the Regional Police Headquarters in Lublin, Rzeszów, Kielce, Radom, Opole and Olsztyn, Nadbużański Border Guard Unit, Lublin Customs and Tax Office in Biała Podlaska as well as the Regional and District Prosecutor's Office in Lublin.

The training workshops were opened by Konrad Kańkowski - the Head of the Department for fighting Cybercrime of the Regional Police Headquarters in Lublin. 

The aim of the workshops was to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of combating crime to the detriment of the European Union financial interests in the Member States and Ukraine, and to establish working contacts that will facilitate international and interinstitutional cooperation in this field. The training concerned the legal and technical aspects of cybercrime in Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Estonia. The main issues were: disclosure and combating cybercrime on the example of conducted cases and international cooperation in this area.




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