


Polish National Police

Police - uniformed and armed force, which main goal is to serve and proctect the people, and to maintain public order and security.

The basic police activities:
  • the protection of people`s health and life, the protection of property,
  • the protection of public safety and order,
  • creating and organizing "community policing" and crime prevention activities,
  • detecting crimes and misdemeanors, arresting people who commited crimes,
  • the control of regulations, regarding public life and public spaces,
  • the cooperation with police forces from other countries and international organizations.

The Polish National Police consists of criminal, patrol and supportive services. Court police is also the part of the Polish National Police.


If you travel to our country, please find out more about us from the employees of the Polish diplomatic posts - click here


Information for persons willing to study in Poland - click here


Information for diplomatic missions of foreign states in the Republic of Poland - click here



Information Movie about the Polish National Police

Act on the Police (PDF file)

Polish Police Dictionary (ZIP file)



Safe money

Pickpocketing! How to reduce the risk of theft?

Theft of valuables from cars!

How to behave when faced with the threat of a terrorist attack  click 1 2





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